Sunday, April 8, 2007

lisa davis calendar
First I would like to say hello to all. When I took this class I didn’t take into consideration that I would need to know more than just how to open a new word documentation to type my papers. I have learned so much in these two weeks of this class, Thanks to Professor Nevins. I don’t have pictures this week, although I did take some at the museum. When it came time to get them off the camera, oh boy. I had all my neighbors over trying to help me figure it out. Finally I returned to the store where I purchased it from, and they were floored also. They had to keep the camera. I haven’t heard from them as of yet, but as soon as I do, if need be I will post them at a later date and some new ones for my next post.

Please view my calendar:
Thursday April 5th Yale Art Gallery
Wednesday April 11th The Atheneum in Hartford
Monday April 23rd The Metropolitan Museum
Weeks 4-7 are undecided

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